NAPC 2023 - Day 2 - Participants Only


Name Solved / Tries Average tries Average tries to solve
A Fair Bandwidth Sharing 8/23 (35%) 2.09 2.00
B Maximal Sequences 32/57 (56%) 1.50 1.34
C Robert Hood 48/83 (58%) 1.69 1.71
D Game Design 18/73 (25%) 2.61 1.89
E Circular Caramel Cookie 48/98 (49%) 2.04 2.04
F Factor-Free Tree 10/43 (23%) 2.53 2.10
G Iron and Coal 43/93 (46%) 1.94 1.63
H Pascal's Hyper-Pyramids 32/55 (58%) 1.67 1.66